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Here is the summary of the 5 latest news regarding the Water Department of Hong Kong:

1. Hong Kong has entered into a new three-year deal for water supply from the Dongjiang, or East River, located in the Guangdong province. This deal has the highest annual price increase for water since 2018, brought on by necessity due to the region’s water-wasting habits and the possibility of drought influenced by climate and demographic changes ([South China Morning Post](https://www.scmp.com/topics/hong-kong-water-supply)).

2. The Water Supplies Department of Hong Kong has announced that a new desalination plant, upon becoming fully operational, will meet around 5% of Hong Kong’s overall fresh water needs with a production capacity of 135,000 cubic meters per day. This new supply will benefit the regions of Sai Kung, East Kowloon, and parts of Hong Kong Island. The desalinated seawater is treated to ensure that it meets the Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards ([News.gov.hk 1](https://www.news.gov.hk/eng/2023/12/20231221/20231221_162245_337.html)).

3. A new agreement on the supply of Dongjiang water to Hong Kong from 2024 to 2026 was signed between Secretary for Development Bernadette Linn and Guangdong Province Water Resources Department Director General Wang Lixin in Guangzhou. The agreement ensures that the water quality supplied will meet the highest national standard for surface water applicable for human consumption ([News.gov.hk 2](https://www.news.gov.hk/eng/2023/12/20231227/20231227_174300_170.html)).

4. The first phase of a new Hong Kong desalination plant has begun providing fresh water to approximately 137,000 homes across Hong Kong. With a production capacity of 135 million liters per day, which accounts for about 5% of Hong Kong’s daily water demand, it signifies a momentous step towards attaining a sustainable water supply. The Water Supplies Department is also planning for the second phase of the plant, which will potentially meet about 10% of the city’s total fresh water demand ([Water & Wastewater Asia](https://waterwastewaterasia.com/new-hong-kong-desalination-plant-begins-delivering-fresh-water-to-137000-homes/)).

5. The Water Supplies Department has published updates, including the suspension of services at the A Kung Ngam Water Selling Kiosk from October 17-30, 2022, and the resumption of the normal level of residual chlorine in treated water to 1.0 mg per liter since September 28, 2022, responding to the latest developments in the COVID-19 epidemic ([Water Supplies Department](https://www.wsd.gov.hk/en/whats-new/index.html)).

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